Cibus Pluxee APK for Android Fee Download APK

Cibus Pluxee APK para Android Fee Download 2024

67.6 MB
4.6 para Android
Actualizado en:
jun. 29, 2024

Cibus Pluxee APK - Clients can oversee their count calories and nourishment admissions with Cibus Pluxee APK, a free and open-source portable application. An easy-to-use interface and a wide run of highlights make the application an great device for following calories, macronutrients, and water admissions. Following suppers and exercises, setting weight misfortune objectives, and getting personalized suggestions to move forward eating propensities are all conceivable with Cibus Pluxee APK.

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Do you need the conveyance to be requested and paid for with colleagues? Deliver it a shot. You can indicate who will be sharing the supper with you when you pay.

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Would you like help? Utilizing our app, you can chat with a agent right away.

Where did you eat final month? Your exchange information is found beneath "Account" and is sorted based on the dates you select.

Does your smartwatch as of now supplant your phone with Wear OS? You can see your exchange history, make a installment code, and check your budget sum utilizing the Cibus app. Fuel YOUR DAY by eating something decent.

Features of Cibus Pluxee APK

Weight Misfortune Tracker

It gives point by point data around the substance and calorie esteem of the nourishment they expend with Cibus Pluxee APK. By categorizing suppers into breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks, clients can analyze their eating propensities more easily.

Analysis of Macronutrients

Users can see nitty gritty macronutrient breakdowns (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) in their count calories utilizing the application. This highlight permits clients to see their macronutrient admissions for the day, permitting them to make educated choices around what to eat.

Monitoring of Water Intake

In expansion to following water admissions, Cibus Pluxee APK makes a difference clients remain hydrated all through the day. Clients can utilize this highlight to get it how remaining hydrated influences their generally health.

Tracking of Activities

The application permits clients to track their physical action, such as strolling, running, and working out. In this way, clients are able to accomplish their weight misfortune objectives more effectively by calculating the calories they burn amid these activities.

Setting Goals

Personalized suggestions can be given to offer assistance clients accomplish their weight misfortune objectives. By giving direction on calorie admissions, macronutrient dissemination, and movement level, Cibus Pluxee APK keeps clients on track.

Tracking Progress

Users can track their advance over time, giving bits of knowledge into their eating propensities and weight misfortune travel. You can visualize your weight, body fat rate, and other pertinent measurements utilizing charts and charts.

How to introduce and Use

Cibus Pluxee APK can be downloaded from the official app store or straightforwardly from the developer's site. After introducing the application, clients can sign in or make a unused account.

Users can effortlessly utilize Cibus Pluxee APK to log their dinners, exercises, and water admissions. With its user-friendly interface, the application is simple to explore and input data. Furthermore, clients can set updates to keep track of their eat less and activities.


It is a profitable device for people looking to oversee their diets and lose weight with Cibus Pluxee APK. Including a user-friendly interface and various highlights, the application permits clients to track their nourishment admissions, screen their macros, and accomplish their wellbeing objectives. Cibus Pluxee APK is a helpful way to take charge of one's eat less, no matter what their eating propensities are or what their weight misfortune objectives may be.