Bouton Retour APK For Android Fee Download APK

Bouton Retour APK для Android Fee Download 2024

1.9 MB
2.3.3 для Android
июн 18, 2024

With Bouton Retour APK, clients can explore the web utilizing voice commands through a free and open-source Android application. Designers and devotees created it to make web browsing less demanding for people with visual impedances or physical disabilities.

The work keys are found at the foot of the large-screen phone, which may be perilous to your fingertips. This is why the Back Key is included to make their utilization less demanding. It is conceivable to protect your phone if your work key is not working with the Back Key. This program gives availability services.

How to Utilize the Openness Tool

Accessibility benefit consent is required for essential Assistive Touch-Back Button usefulness. The application will not get to any touchy information or fabric on your screen. Moreover, the application will not collect or share any openness benefit data.

Accessibility benefit consent is required for fundamental usefulness. Your screen will not contain any delicate information or fabric that can be gotten to by the application. In expansion, the application will not collect or share get to to benefit information with third parties.

Key Features

A Voice Command Bolster System

Bouton Retour APK bolsters voice commands as one of its key highlights. Basically talk a command, such as "Go to Google" or "Look for [watchword]", and the app will take activity. By utilizing this strategy, clients no longer have to physically sort or explore through web pages.

Integrated Screen Reader

Users with visual disabilities can explore and associated with Bouton Retour APK by utilizing prevalent screen perusers such as TalkBack and VoiceOver. By disposing of third-party plugins and computer program, no extra computer program is required.

Easily Customizable Settings

There are numerous viewpoints of Bouton Retour APK that clients can customize in arrange to meet their particular needs and inclinations. You can alter the volume of voice prompts, the speed of the voice, and design hotkeys to get to commonly utilized commands quickly.

History and Bookmarks

The Bouton Retour APK incorporates bookmarks and history back. Spared web pages can be gotten to afterward by clients. In expansion, the app keeps up a history of already gone to pages, making it simple to explore through them.

Security and Privacy

Taking security and protection genuinely is a need for the app. By scrambling information and giving secure associations, it guarantees the security of its clients. Moreover, the app does not track users' browsing histories or collect any by and by identifiable information.


The Bouton Retour APK makes web browsing more open and helpful for Android clients. A important apparatus for people with uncommon needs or incapacities, it underpins voice commands, screen peruser integration, customizable settings, bookmarking, and history highlights.