Assassin's Creed Mirage APK For Android Fee Download APK

Assassin's Creed Mirage APK Android için Fee Download 2024

5.1 GB
1.0.9 Android için
Tarihinde güncellendi:
Haz 17, 2024

Assassin's Creed Mirage APK - Ubisoft created Assassin's Creed Mirage, an open-world activity experience amusement. This spin-off to the Assassin's Ideology establishment was discharged in 2017. It takes after the experiences of Bayek, a gifted professional killer who lives in old Egypt amid the Ptolemaic period.


Playing Assassin's Creed Mirage is an immersive encounter that combines investigation, stealth, and combat. Investigate different cities, tombs, and lavish scenes in a endless open world. In the amusement, players can reveal antiquated privileged insights and disentangle the secrets of antiquated Egypt through missions and side quests.

Key Features

Exploration of The Open World

Ancient Egypt is investigated in Assassin's Creed Mirage like never some time recently. Different scenes can be found in the amusement, counting bustling cities, rich valleys, and antiquated ruins. Different traversal strategies are accessible, counting parkour and horseback riding.

Combat and Stealth

Missions and destinations must be completed utilizing stealth and combat methods as Bayek. The amusement highlights a assortment of weapons, such as edges, bows, and covered up edges, which permit players to adjust to different circumstances. Also, stealth is an critical viewpoint of the amusement, since players can sidestep discovery and quietly dispose of targets.

Upgrades and Crafting

The making and overhaul frameworks in Assassin's Creed Mirage permit players to customize their professional killers. It is conceivable for players to collect assets and make a assortment of things to improve their gameplay involvement. These things incorporate elixirs and weapons. Furthermore, players can overhaul their capacities and open modern aptitudes as they progress.

Modes of Multiplayer Play

Additionally, players can lock in in agreeable and competitive gameplay through the game's multiplayer mode. Team-based missions and targets permit players to work with companions or compete against each other. It includes to the energy and replayability of Assassin's Creed Mirage through its multiplayer mode.


The open-world activity experience amusement Assassin's Creed Mirage offers players a exciting and immersive encounter. Fans of the arrangement will appreciate this game's dazzling visuals, immersive gameplay, and replayability.